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How To Turn Your Sprinkler System Back On In The Spring - Plumb University

How To Turn Your Sprinkler System Back On In The Spring

Spring is finally here! This means that the days will be getting longer, flowers will start to bloom, and you may even see some animals come out of hibernation. Another thing that spring brings is lawns turning green again after being dormant all winter long. The downside with this is your sprinkler system isn’t ready for use yet. What do you need to do?

We will show you how to get your sprinkler system back on this spring and enjoying the warmer weather!

When Should I Turn My Sprinkler System Back On?

The best time to turn your sprinkler system back on is when the temperature outside is past the point of freezing overnight. For most people, this is around mid-April but keep an eye on your local weather forecasts to be sure.

We recommend you turn your sprinkler system back on is when the temperature outside stays above freezing overnight for a few days. By now you can probably see your entire lawn again from any lingering snow.

Avoid Burst Pipes!

Make sure you don’t get caught in the cold without protection when winter arrives; before de-winterizing make sure there are no freezing temperatures in the forecast!

You don’t want to start watering your lawn too early. This is because there’s a chance that plants may start growing in wet soil and be susceptible to disease or fungus overgrowth during summer months if they’re watered with cold water from an irrigation system.

How To

It feels like the heat of summer has been gone for ages but now that we’ve gotten a little reprieve from this brutal weather, it’s finally time to get out there with your lawn tools and give your grass some love.

And while giving them water may sound simple enough – that’s what they need after all – but if done incorrectly can end in disaster; taking on unnecessary costs as well as leaving mud puddles behind instead of healthy green blades ready to be trodden upon by bare feet (or at least sandals). So before getting started make sure you have these tools handy.

Tools And Materials Needed

1. Inspect Your Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads are one of the most vulnerable components in your irrigation system. They suffer abuse from lawnmowers, weed trimmers, and snow during wintertime.

All this abuse can damage or clog sprinklers which results in uneven spraying that will water some areas while others remain dry!

Spring is when it’s important to inspect every sprinkler head carefully for damage so you can clean, repair, or replace as necessary – before they become a problem later on!

2. Check Out Your Pump

If your sprinkler system has a pump, now’s the time to inspect that pumper! Check for cleanliness and any obstructions or grime buildup on the inside.

Put some water in there too- turn it on and make sure everything moves and sounds like it should (no squeaking!).

Protect Your Pump!

Make sure you have water in your pump before turning on the power. If your pump is sealed and does not require lubrication, it needs water to keep cool and lubricated.

3. Examine Other Sprinkler System Components

There are a few different things that you can do to prepare your irrigation system before turning on the sprinklers this spring. One of these is checking all the valves, backflow devices, plumbing, and electrical systems for any possible issues.

Next, check the timer to ensure it is set according to when you’ll want your sprinkler system on in order to still meet your watering needs. Reprogram the sprinkler controller and replace the backup battery if needed.

4. Locate Your Sprinkler Shutoff Valve

If you are unsure where your sprinkler shutoff valve is located, you can usually find it in your basement, mechanical room, or crawlspace. Keep an eye out for pipes coming into your home at the exterior ground level.

Not there? Your irrigation shutoff valve may be found outside in a sprinkler system valve box in your yard. You may need a special tool to access the inside of your sprinkler box.

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5. Slowly Turn The Water On

Now that all your sprinkler spring cleaning is done, it’s time to let the water flow but start slowly!

This allows the irrigation pipes to gradually fill with water. If you open the valves too quickly, it can cause a surge in high pressure from the trapped air and damage your sprinkler system, whoops!

Prevent Water Hammer

Water hammer occurs whenever there is a sudden change in water flow, like when you open or close a valve or start or stop a pump. That banging or thumping sound coming from your pipes is from a short but intense surge in pressure inside your system. The force from water hammer can cause leaks, burst fittings, and even pop off sprinkler heads!

6. Activate Each Zone

Next, you need to verify the proper operation of each of your sprinkler zones. You can do this manually or set your sprinkler panel to run a manual test of your irrigation system for 3 to 5 minutes.

This will blow out all the trapped air within your pipes and allow you to spot any problem areas. If you notice a sprinkler head that has low pressure or does not activate, make a note of which zone it belongs to so you can address it later.

Check your sprinkler heads for proper rotation and adjust them for proper watering coverage.

7. Repair If Necessary

Did you have any problematic sprinkler heads? It could be a sign of a leak in a sprinkler line, lame pump, plugged filter, or missing sprinkler head.

Troubleshoot and repair as needed. If you run into major issues, it might be time to call professionals for help.

8. Finishing Steps

Now that your sprinkler system is flushed and ready for spring, clean any filters for your irrigation system plus uncover and clean your rain sensor.

When To Call The Pros

Turning on your sprinkler system can be as easy as a spring breeze! But if you have a sprinkler zone that fails to operate or you notice standing water in your lawn you may have big problems or a broken pipe.

If your irrigation system is new or under warranty from a company that winterized it in the fall, now is the time to seek professional assistance.

Get Ready To Irrigate!

Spring is in the air! The snow has melted, the trees are starting to bud, and you can smell the fresh-cut grass. With your sprinkler system turned back on you can start spending all your free time outside without any pants on!

Happy Plumbing!

Trevor Woods is the founder of Plumb University® and he started in the plumbing and construction industry in 1997. Since then, his mission is to make plumbing repair and maintenance easy for everyone. And each year, he continues to help more people with their plumbing installation, care, and troubleshooting.